Thursday, 29 November 2012

ITBP ASI Stenographer and Head-Constable posts

Applications are invited for filling up the following Para Medical posts in  ITB Police (ITBP) from Indian citizens :
  1. Assistant Sub-Inspector (Stenographer) : 106 posts (UR-76, OBC-3, SC-17, ST-10), Pay Scale :  Rs. 5200 – 20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-
  2. Head Constable (Combatant Ministerial) Direct Entry : 130 posts (UR-65, OBC-35, SC-20, ST-10), Pay Scale :  Rs. 5200 – 20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-
  3. Head Constable (Combatant Ministerial) Departmental Entry : 25 posts (UR-18, SC-4, ST-3), Pay Scale :  Rs. 5200 – 20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-
  4. Head Constable (Education & Stress Counsellors): 255 posts (UR-65, OBC-35, SC-20, ST-30), Pay Scale :  Rs. 5200 – 20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2400/- 
Fee : Rs.50/-in form of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp (CRFS)/ IPO/ Bank Draft in favour of Deputy Inspector General (Delhi), I.T.B. Police, payable at S.B.I., R.K. Puram, New Delhi, Code No-1076. No fee will be charged from SC/ST/Female and Ex-servicemen candidates. 

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent on or before the last date 14/12/2012 (last date is 21/12/2012 for the candidates of Far – flung areas) 

For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteria, how to apply, certificates to attach with application form and Application Form, please view,%20HC%28CM%29%20&%20HC%20%28ESC%29.pdf

PGIMER Sr. Resident Medical Officer and Jr. Sr. Demonstrator posts

The PGIMER, Chandigarh invites applications from Indian Nationals for recruitment to the posts of Senior Resident,Senior Medical Officer (Casualty in Emergency) and Jr./ Sr. Demonstrator given as under :

  1. Senior Resident : 108 posts (UR-47, OBC-34, SC-16, ST-11)  in various disciplines
  2. Senior Medical Officer  (Casualty in Emergency) : 02 posts
  3. Jr./ Sr. Demonstrator : 12 posts (UR-6, OBC-4, SC-1, ST-1)  in various disciplines
Application Fee : Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST) Branch of State Bank of India with the fee Payment Challan duly filled in and pay the prescribed Application Fee in the “Power Jyoti” PUL current account of PGIMER. The account No. of PGIMER for recruitment is 32211613319. 

How to Apply : Apply Online at PGIMER website from07/11/2012 to 03/12/2012

Please visit  

Faculty posts in KSOU

Applications in 8 Sets in the prescribed form from the eligible Indian citizens are invited for the following Teaching Posts in different Departments of Studies offering various Programmes (comprising Postgraduate/ Undergraduate/ Diploma courses) at Karnataka State Open University, Mysore : 

  1. Assistant Professor : 42 posts, Pay Scale :
  2. Associate Professor : 05 posts
  3. Librarian : 01 post
Application Fee : The application fee is Rs.200/- and the processing fee is Rs.600/- for the post of Assistant Professor (for S.C / S.T Candidates the processing fee is Rs.300/-). For the post of Associate Professor the application fee is Rs.200/- and the processing fee is Rs.1000/- (for S.C / S.T Candidates the processing fee is Rs.500/-).

How to Apply : Duly filled-in application forms should reach the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570 006 (Karnataka State) on or before 15/11/2012.

Please view   

Various Academic posts in FDDI

Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI) invites applications from potential candidates for its campuses at Kolkata, Chennai, Fursatganj, Rohtak, Noida, Chhindwara, Jodhpur and HRD training centers in Agra, Kanpur, Raebareli, Odisha and Kolkata  : 
  1. Sr. Technical Faculty/Technical Faculty – Footwear: 30 posts
  2. Senior Technical Instructor/ Technical Instructor/ Instructor/Demonstrator  : 10 posts
How to Apply : Interested candidates may apply till18/11/2011 in the applicable format to: 

The Dy. Manager (Admin. & Pers.), Footwear Design & Development Institute , (Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India), A – 10/A, Sector – 24, NOIDA – 201301

Please visit  

Primary Teacher posts in Haryana Elementary Education Department

Online applications are invited for recruitment the under mentioned posts of Primary
Teachers (PRT)
  in Primary Schools in all the districts of Haryana Elementary Education Department :
  • Primary Teachers (PRT) : 8763 posts in all the districts of Haryana except Mewat Districts
  • Primary Teachers (PRT) : 1107 posts in Mewat Districts
  • Age :  18-40 years
  • Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 grade pay of Rs. 4200/-
Application Fee : Rs. 300/- for General candidates and Rs. 75/- for SC/BC candidates of Haryana. The fee should be deposited in any branch of State Bank of India 48 hours after registration of application form with CDAC Mohali. (ii) Fee for ESM and PHC candidates of Haryana is exempted.
How to Apply : Apply Online at the CDAC Mohali website on or before 08/12/2012 5.00 pm only.

NIT Surathkal Karnataka Assistant Professor

NIT Karnataka, Surathkal, invites applications from Indian Nationals for faculty positions at level of Assistant Professors in various teaching departments. 
  • Assistant Professor : 13 posts in the disciplines  of Computer Science & Engineering-5, Electrical & Electronics Engineering -2, Electronics & Communication Engineering -3, Information Technology Engineering -2, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering -1, Pay Scale:  PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000/-,  Qualification: Ph. D. in the relevant discipline.
How to Apply :  This is a Standing Advertisement for Faculty posts, therefore, candidate can apply for these posts round the year. Applications received on or before07/12/2012 will be considered for the current round of selections. Completed applications, in the prescribed form, should be sent to the Registrar, NITK, Surathkal, Mangalore – 575025.

Faculty posts in ESIC PGIMSR and Medical Colleges

Applications in the prescribed format are invited for filling up various vacancies of Professors & Associate Professors positions for ESI PGIMSRs located at – Gulbarga, Karnataka / Joka, Kolkata (West Bengal)/ KK Nagar, Chennai (Tamil Nadu) on direct recruitment basis as under :
ESIC Medical College, Gulbarga, Karnataka :
  • Professor : 08 posts
  • Associate Professor : 14 posts
  • Assistant Professor : 34 posts
 ESIC PGIMSR & Medical College, Joka, Kolkata, West Bengal : 
  • Professor : 12 posts
  • Associate Professor : 19 posts
  • Assistant Professor : 18 posts 
ESIC PGIMSR & Medical College, KK Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu : 
  • Professor : 14 post
  • Associate Professor : 11 posts
  • Assistant Professor : 22 posts  
Application Fee :  The Demand Draft  of Rs. 225/- (Rs.25/- for SC/ST/Women candidates)  drawn in favour of “E.S.I. Corporation, Account No.-1, payable at New Delhi
How to Apply : Apply Online at ESIC website on or before 30/11/2012 only. Take print out of the system system generated online application  and send it on or before 07/12/2012 (Last date is 14/12/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas)  by Speed Post so as to reach the following address :
Joint Director (Recruitment), E.S.I. Corporation, Panchdeep Bhawan, C.I.G. Marg, New Delhi-110 002.

Various posts in HLL Biotech Limited

HLL Biotech Limited (HBL) is a 100% subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Limited, a Mini Ratna Schedule B Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Online applications are invited for following posts :
  1. General Managers in Formulation, Production
  2. Deputy General Managers in Formulation, Production, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs
  3. Senior Managers in Formulation, Production, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs
  4. Manager in Animal House, Formulation, Production, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs
  5. Deputy Managers in Animal House, Formulation, Production, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs
  6. Assistant Managers in Animal House, Formulation, Production, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs, International Business Division
  7. Senior Sales Co-Ordinator in Logistics  
  8. CA/ICWA Trainee (T&D Scheme)
  9. Human Resources Trainee (T&D Scheme)
  10. Graduate Trainees (Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics)
  11. Accounts Officer in International Business Division 
  12. Commercial Assistants in International Business Division
  13. Senior Project Fellow (Immunology / Pharma / Polymer)
    How to Apply : Apply Online on or before 21/11/2012 at Lifecare HLL website only.

    SSC Multi-Taking Staff recruitment

    Recruitment to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2011

    Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Regional Offices of the Commission have advertised recruitment to Group ‘C’ posts of Multi Tasking Staff for which Matriculation or equivalent is the minimum qualification in various Central Government Ministries / Departments / Offices, in different States / Union Territories: 
    • Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff  in various States and UTs, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.1800, Age : 18-25 years as on 01/01/2013, Qualification : Matriculation or equivalent, Date of Examinations : 10/03/2013 & 17/03/2013
    Fee Payable : Rs.100/- (No fee for Women/ SC/ST/PH and Ex-Servicemen) by means of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) only, available at head post office all over the country.

    How to Apply : .  Application in the prescribed format should be sent on or before 07/12/2012 (14/12/2012 for candidates from far-flung areas) to various regional offices of the SSC where candidate wants to apply.  Candidates may apply online at SSC website only up to 05/12/2012 for part-I registration and 07/12/2012 for Part-II registration. 

    For further details and application form, please view

    ONGC specialist Officers posts

    Recruitment of Specialists/ Experts in ONGC in various disciplines 

    ONGC is looking for energetic and experienced Specialists/Experts for Induction at E4/ E2 level in different disciplines in the grades of Rs. 36600 – 62000/- (for E4) and Rs. 29100-54500/-(for E2) with an increment of 3% per year  :

      1. Superintending Engineer (Drilling) (Tool Pusher)  : 08 posts (UR-5, OBC-2, SC-1)
      2. Superintending Engineer (Drilling) (Sub-See Engineer) : 08 posts (UR-5, OBC-2, SC-1)
      3. Superintending Engineer (Mechanical)  : 01 post (UR-1)
      4. Superintending Engineer (Electrical)  : 01 post (UR-1)
      5. Superintending Engineer (Production)  : 06 posts (UR-3, OBC-2, SC-1)
      6. Manager (Finance & Accounts)  Business Analyst-cum-Economists : 02 posts (UR-2)
      7. Manager (Finance & Accounts)  : 04 posts (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1)
      8. Manager (HR)  : 02 posts (UR-1, OBC-1)
      9. Deputy Chief Legal Advisor : 06 posts (UR-5, OBC-1)
      10. Manager (CC) (PR) : 04 posts  (UR-3, OBC-1)
      11. Manager (Material Management) : 10 posts (UR-7, OBC-2, SC-1)
      12. Manager (Security) : 05 posts (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1)
      13. Port Captain : 03 posts (UR-2, OBC-1)
      14. Sr. 2nd Engineer : 03 posts (UR-3)
      15. Physician : 04 posts
      16. Senior Medical Officer (ENT) : 01 post
      17. Senior Medical Officer (Obs. & Gynecology) : 01 post
      18. Senior Medical Officer (Orthopedic) : 03 posts
      19. Senior Medical Officer (Pediatric) : 01 post
      20. Senior Medical Officer (Cardiology) : 02 posts
      21. Senior Medical Officer (Dental) : 01 post
      22. Senior Medical Officer (Ophthalmology) : 01 post
      23. Senior Medical Officer (Radiology) : 03 posts
      24. Senior Medical Officer (Dermatology) : 02 posts
      25. Senior Medical Officer (Chest Physician) : 02 posts
      26. Senior Medical Officer (Pathology) : 01 post
          Application fee  : Rs 500/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid by payment challan to be deposited in SBI only.

          How to Apply : Indian nationals fulfilling the requirements may send their application in the prescribed format to  toDeputy General Manager (HR)-Recruitment, ONGC, B.S. Negi Bhavan, 3rd Floor, Corporate R&P,Tel  Bhavan, Dehradun – 248003 on or before 03/12/2012.

          Please view

          UPSC CDS-(I) Examination 2013

          Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2013 including SSC (Women Non-Technical) Course

          The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2013 on17th February, 2013 for admission to Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy amd Air force Academy and Officers Training Academy, Chennai for the cources (Men and Women.

          Vacancies : 
          1. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun : 260 posts
          2. Naval Academy, Ezhimala : 40 posts
          3. Air Force Academy, Hyderabad : 32 posts
          4. Officers Training Academy , Chennai : 176 posts
          5. Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Women) : 12 posts

          Conditions of Eligibility

          (A) Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status: 
          1. For Indian Millitary Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1990 and not later than 1st January 1995 only are eligible.
          2. For Naval Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1992 (2nd January, 1990 in case of NCC Naval wing 'C' certificate holders) and not later than 1st January 1995 only are eligible.
          3. For Air Force Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1991 and not later than 1st January 1995 only are eligible.
          4. For Officers' Training Academy – (SSC Course for Men) : Male candidates (Unmarried or Married) born not earlier than 2nd January, 1989 and not later than 1st January 1995 only are eligible.
          5. For Officers Training Academy – SSC (Women Non- Technical) Course :  (a) Unmarried Women, issue less widows who have not remarried, and issue less divorcees (in possession of divorcee documents) who have not remarried are eligible. They should have been not earlier than 2nd January, 1989 and not later than 1st January, 1995.
          (B) Educational Qualifications:
          1. For Indian Millitary Academy and Officers' Training Academy : Degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
          2. For Naval Academy : B.Sc. (with Physics & Mathematics ) or Bachelor of Engineering.
          3. For Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognised university (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering
          4. Candidates who are studying in final year Degree Course and yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for the Examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination or equivalent examination by the specified dates.
          (C) Physical Standards: candidates must be physically fit according to the physical standards for admission to combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (II), 2011 as prescribed in the detailed advertisement.

          Fee : Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/- either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/ State Bank of Hyderabad/ State Bank of Mysore/ State Bank of Patiala/ State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/ Debit


          How to Apply :  Candidate must apply online at up to 10/12/201211.59 pm.

          Complete details and other information are available at the commission website at

          Various jobs by UPSC Advt. No. 11/2012

          UPSC invites Online application by 29/11/2012 for following  various posts in various Government of India Ministries and Departments in the prescribed format. The posts are : 

          1. Assistant Soil Conservation Officer (National Resources Management/ Rainfed Farming System) : 03 posts in Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, M/o Agriculture 
          2. Director : 01 post  in National sugar Institute, M/o Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
          3. Lady Medical Officer (Family Welfare) : 04 posts  in armed Forces Medical Services, Ministry of Defence 
          4. Medical Officer/ Research Officer (Unani) : 04 posts in Department of Ayush, M/o Health and Family Welfare 
          5. Deputy Director of Mines Safety (Mining) : 38 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment   
          6. Deputy Director of Mines Safety (Mechanical) : 27 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment   
          7. Deputy Director of Mines Safety (Electrical) : 26 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment   
          8. Deputy Director (Medical) : 03 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment   
          9. Deputy Director (Staff Training/ Productivity) : 02 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment  
          10. Assistant Director Gr.II (Chemical) : 10  posts in the Office of Development Commissioner (MSME-DO), Department of Office of the Development Commissioner, M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 
          11. Deputy Director General/ Regional Director : 03 posts in  M/o Torism    
          Fee payable is Rs.50/- in the shape of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp only. (fee exempted for SC/ ST/ PH/ Women candidates)

          How to Apply : Candidates should apply Online at UPSC website on or before 30/11/2012 and the print out of the system generated application should be send to the Joint Secretary (Recruitment), Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110069, on or before 13/12/2012.
          For Details of posts, qualification, instructions and application format relating to Advt. No. 11/2012, please visit UPSC web site at

          Last date extended for Faculty and other posts in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Agra University

          Applications are invited for the following Faculty posts and other Staff posts in Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Agra University  (Advertisement No. 2/RW/2012) : 
          1. Professor : 06 posts in various subjects/disciplines
          2. Lecturer : 21 posts in various subjects/disciplines
          3. Readers : 13 posts in various subjects/disciplines
          4. Deputy Librarian : 01 post
          5. Assistant Librarian : 02 posts
          How to Apply : Application on prescribed format along with a Bank Draft of Rs.500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST) drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra and it should reach to Registrar (RW), Residential Unit, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra – 282004 (UP) latest by 10/08/2012 06/12/2012 by Registered Post.

          Hindustan Paper Executive Trainee posts

          HPC is inviting applications from promising energetic, result oriented and dynamic Graduate Engineers and Professionals with brilliant academic records to join the organization in the following disciplines as:
          • Executive Trainees : 74 posts in various disciplines, Age : 22 – 30 years as on 1/8/2012, Pay Scale  : Rs.16400 – 3% – 40500 (E-1)
          Application Fee :  Candidates belonging to General & OBC category are required to pay non-refundable application fee of Rs. 100/- by means of Demand Draft (Not applicable for
          SC/ST/PwD and Ex-servicemen category) drawn in favour of HINDUSTAN PAPER CORPRATION
          LIMITED payable at Kolkata.
          How to Apply : Apply Online at Hindustan Paper website from 15/10/2012 to 31/10/2012 only. Take printout of the system generated application registration form and send it on or before 08/11/2012.

          IREL Experienced Executive Jobs

           Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the following posts on regular basis in the Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) pay scale :
          1. Sr. Manager (R&D) : 01 post
          2. Manager (Materials)  : 04 posts
          3. Manager (Maint.-Mech/ Elect.) : 01 post
          4. Manager (Medical) : 01 post
          5. Manager (Materials), Manager (Medical) Manager (Maint.-Mech/ Elect.) : 06 posts
          6. Dy. Manager/ Sr.Officer (Materials) : 04 posts
          7. Dy. Manager (Environment) : 01 post
          8. Dy. Manager/ Sr.Officer (HRM) : 13 posts
          9. Dy. Manager (Admin.)/ Sr. Officer (Admin) : 01 post
          10. Dy. Manager (HRM), (Admn.), (Materials), (Environment) : 10 posts
          11. Sr. Engineer/ (ii) Engineer : 36 posts in various disciplines
          12. Sr. Manager (Materials) : 04 posts
          13. Sr. Officer ( Medical)/ Officer (Medical) : 02 posts
          14. Sr. Manager (Finance) : 01 post
          15. Officer (Finance) : 14 posts
          16. Sr. Manager (R&D)/ Sr.Manager (Fin) : 02 posts
          17. Sr. Officer (HRM), (Materials) Sr. Engineers, Sr.Officer (Med.) : 28 posts
          18. Officer (Finance) / Engineers : 33 posts
          How to Apply :   Applications in the prescribed format must reach the  GM (HRM), Indian Rare Earths Limited, Plot No. 1207, Veer Savarkar Marg, Near Siddhi Vinayak Temple, Prabhadevi, Mumbai – 400 028, on or before 20/11/2012.

          BCPL various Executive Jobs

           Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL) is looking for experienced professionals for the following posts :
          1. Dy. General Manager : 01 post
          2. Chief Engineer : 03 posts in various disciplines
          3. Sr. Manager : 01 post
          4. Manager : 07 posts in various discipline
          5. Dy. Manager : 30 posts in various discipline
          6. Sr. Officer : 14 posts in Fire & Safety/ Laboratory
          7. Sr. Engineer : 73 posts in various disciplines
          Application Fee :  Rs. 200/- by Demand Draft / Pay Order drawn in favor of Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited payable at Dibrugarh, Assam. SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted from payment of fees.
          How to Apply : Application duly completed in all respects should be sent by speed post/ ordinary post/ courier on or before 15/12/2012 in a cover super scribed "Application for the post of
          “(Name of the Post Applied for)”. The application should be addressed to:
          Deputy General Manager (HR), Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL), Main Fire Station Building, Project Site Office, PO – Lepetkata, Dibrugarh, Assam – 786006
          Please visit Home » Career » Current Openings at the BCPL website http//

          Rites Walk-In for Electrical Engineers on 24th

          RITES Limited, a premier consultancy organization, requires Engineers & Technical Assistants in Electrical for its projects under Regional Project Office/ Kolkata. The appointment shall be purely on contract basis initially for a period of one year, extendable until completion of the assignment based on satisfactory performance. discipline purely on contract basis through walk-in-interview. :
          • Engineer (Electrical) : 06 posts, Pay : Rs.15400/- per month
          • Technical Assistant (Electrical) : 06 posts, Pay : Rs.10800/- per month
          Walk-In-Interview :  Candidates fulfilling the qualification criteria may attend walk in interview, with 1 copy of the application prepared in the prescribed  format  along with original & an attested copy of educational and experience certificates with one copy of recent passport size photograph at the venue given below:
          • RITES Ltd., Metro Railway Service Building (2nd floor), 56, C.R. Avenue, Kolkata. on 24/11/2012 from 1000 hrs. onwards

          Navy PSC Officer Logistics Armament Inspection and Education branch June-2013 entry

          Become a Permanent Service Commissioned (PSC) Officer in the Logistics, Naval Armament Inspection Cadre OR Education Branch, Course Commencing – June  2013

          Online Applications are invited from unmarried male indian citizens for Permanentt Service Commission (PSC) in the Logisitcs Cadre of Executive Branch and (ii) Naval Armament Inspection Cadre of Executive Branch and (iii) Education Branch of the Indian Navy for Course commencing June 2013at Naval Academy (NAVAC) Ezhimala, Kerala.
          Eligibility Conditions:
          • Age : Logistics/ Works / NAIC – Between 19 and 1/2 to 25 years, Education 21-25 years
          How to Apply: Apply Online at Indian Navy website on or before 23/11/2012.  Take two print out of the system generated application format and send one copy to be sent by 03/12/2012 to the address (only by ordinary post)
          Post Bag No. 04, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110021

          Detail is available at and details along with link to apply online at

          Punjab and Haryana High Court Court Manager posts

          Recruitment of Court Manager 
          The High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh applications for filling up the following posts   :
          • Court Manger : 11 posts (5 for subordinate courts in Punjab and 6 for subordinate courts in Haryana), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 Grade pay  Rs.6600/-,  Age : 25-35 years as on 11/12/2012, relaxation in age as per rules., Qualification : B.Tech. Computer Science / B.Tech. IT  With MBA with 2 years experien
          Fee : Application Fee of Rs.500/- ) in the form of DD drawn on any nationalized bank payable at Chandigarh in favour of The Registrar General, High Court of Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh.
          How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should reach the office of Registrar Recruitment, High Court of Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh – 160001 on or before 11/12/2012 up to 5.00 P.M.
          Please view

          SSC Multi-Taking Staff recruitment

          Recruitment to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2011
          Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Regional Offices of the Commission have advertised recruitment to Group ‘C’ posts of Multi Tasking Staff for which Matriculation or equivalent is the minimum qualification in various Central Government Ministries / Departments / Offices, in different States / Union Territories:
          • Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff  in various States and UTs, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.1800, Age : 18-25 years as on 01/01/2013, Qualification : Matriculation or equivalent, Date of Examinations : 10/03/2013 & 17/03/2013
          Fee Payable : Rs.100/- (No fee for Women/ SC/ST/PH and Ex-Servicemen) by means of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) only, available at head post office all over the country.
          How to Apply : .  Application in the prescribed format should be sent on or before 07/12/2012 (14/12/2012 for candidates from far-flung areas) to various regional offices of the SSC where candidate wants to apply.  Candidates may apply online at SSC website only up to 05/12/2012 for part-I registration and 07/12/2012 for Part-II registration.
          For further details and application form, please view

          ONGC specialist Officers posts

          Recruitment of Specialists/ Experts in ONGC in various disciplines
          ONGC is looking for energetic and experienced Specialists/Experts for Induction at E4/ E2 level in different disciplines in the grades of Rs. 36600 – 62000/- (for E4) and Rs. 29100-54500/-(for E2) with an increment of 3% per year  :
          1. Superintending Engineer (Drilling) (Tool Pusher)  : 08 posts (UR-5, OBC-2, SC-1)
          2. Superintending Engineer (Drilling) (Sub-See Engineer) : 08 posts (UR-5, OBC-2, SC-1)
          3. Superintending Engineer (Mechanical)  : 01 post (UR-1)
          4. Superintending Engineer (Electrical)  : 01 post (UR-1)
          5. Superintending Engineer (Production)  : 06 posts (UR-3, OBC-2, SC-1)
          6. Manager (Finance & Accounts)  Business Analyst-cum-Economists : 02 posts (UR-2)
          7. Manager (Finance & Accounts)  : 04 posts (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1)
          8. Manager (HR)  : 02 posts (UR-1, OBC-1)
          9. Deputy Chief Legal Advisor : 06 posts (UR-5, OBC-1)
          10. Manager (CC) (PR) : 04 posts  (UR-3, OBC-1)
          11. Manager (Material Management) : 10 posts (UR-7, OBC-2, SC-1)
          12. Manager (Security) : 05 posts (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1)
          13. Port Captain : 03 posts (UR-2, OBC-1)
          14. Sr. 2nd Engineer : 03 posts (UR-3)
          15. Physician : 04 posts
          16. Senior Medical Officer (ENT) : 01 post
          17. Senior Medical Officer (Obs. & Gynecology) : 01 post
          18. Senior Medical Officer (Orthopedic) : 03 posts
          19. Senior Medical Officer (Pediatric) : 01 post
          20. Senior Medical Officer (Cardiology) : 02 posts
          21. Senior Medical Officer (Dental) : 01 post
          22. Senior Medical Officer (Ophthalmology) : 01 post
          23. Senior Medical Officer (Radiology) : 03 posts
          24. Senior Medical Officer (Dermatology) : 02 posts
          25. Senior Medical Officer (Chest Physician) : 02 posts
          26. Senior Medical Officer (Pathology) : 01 post
          Application fee  : Rs 500/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid by payment challan to be deposited in SBI only.
          How to Apply : Indian nationals fulfilling the requirements may send their application in the prescribed format to  to Deputy General Manager (HR)-Recruitment, ONGC, B.S. Negi Bhavan, 3rd Floor, Corporate R&P,Tel  Bhavan, Dehradun – 248003 on or before 03/12/2012.
          Please view

          UPSC CDS-(I) Examination 2013

          Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2013 including SSC (Women Non-Technical) Course
          The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2013 on 17th February, 2013 for admission to Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy amd Air force Academy and Officers Training Academy, Chennai for the cources (Men and Women.
          Vacancies :
          1. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun : 260 posts
          2. Naval Academy, Ezhimala : 40 posts
          3. Air Force Academy, Hyderabad : 32 posts
          4. Officers Training Academy , Chennai : 176 posts
          5. Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Women) : 12 posts
          Conditions of Eligibility
          (A) Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status:
          1. For Indian Millitary Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1990 and not later than 1st January 1995 only are eligible.
          2. For Naval Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1992 (2nd January, 1990 in case of NCC Naval wing 'C' certificate holders) and not later than 1st January 1995 only are eligible.
          3. For Air Force Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1991 and not later than 1st January 1995 only are eligible.
          4. For Officers' Training Academy – (SSC Course for Men) : Male candidates (Unmarried or Married) born not earlier than 2nd January, 1989 and not later than 1st January 1995 only are eligible.
          5. For Officers Training Academy – SSC (Women Non- Technical) Course :  (a) Unmarried Women, issue less widows who have not remarried, and issue less divorcees (in possession of divorcee documents) who have not remarried are eligible. They should have been not earlier than 2nd January, 1989 and not later than 1st January, 1995.
          (B) Educational Qualifications:
          1. For Indian Millitary Academy and Officers' Training Academy : Degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
          2. For Naval Academy : B.Sc. (with Physics & Mathematics ) or Bachelor of Engineering.
          3. For Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognised university (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering
          4. Candidates who are studying in final year Degree Course and yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for the Examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination or equivalent examination by the specified dates.
          (C) Physical Standards: candidates must be physically fit according to the physical standards for admission to combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (II), 2011 as prescribed in the detailed advertisement.
          Fee : Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/- either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/ State Bank of Hyderabad/ State Bank of Mysore/ State Bank of Patiala/ State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/ Debit
          How to Apply :  Candidate must apply online at up to 10/12/2012 11.59 pm.
          Complete details and other information are available at the commission website at

          Various jobs by UPSC Advt. No. 11/2012

          UPSC invites Online application by 29/11/2012 for following  various posts in various Government of India Ministries and Departments in the prescribed format. The posts are :
          1. Assistant Soil Conservation Officer (National Resources Management/ Rainfed Farming System) : 03 posts in Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, M/o Agriculture 
          2. Director : 01 post  in National sugar Institute, M/o Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
          3. Lady Medical Officer (Family Welfare) : 04 posts  in armed Forces Medical Services, Ministry of Defence 
          4. Medical Officer/ Research Officer (Unani) : 04 posts in Department of Ayush, M/o Health and Family Welfare 
          5. Deputy Director of Mines Safety (Mining) : 38 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment   
          6. Deputy Director of Mines Safety (Mechanical) : 27 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment   
          7. Deputy Director of Mines Safety (Electrical) : 26 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment   
          8. Deputy Director (Medical) : 03 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment   
          9. Deputy Director (Staff Training/ Productivity) : 02 posts in  Directorate General of Mines Safety, M/o Labour and Employment  
          10. Assistant Director Gr.II (Chemical) : 10  posts in the Office of Development Commissioner (MSME-DO), Department of Office of the Development Commissioner, M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 
          11. Deputy Director General/ Regional Director : 03 posts in  M/o Torism    
          Fee payable is Rs.50/- in the shape of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp only. (fee exempted for SC/ ST/ PH/ Women candidates)
          How to Apply : Candidates should apply Online at UPSC website on or before 30/11/2012 and the print out of the system generated application should be send to the Joint Secretary (Recruitment), Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110069, on or before 13/12/2012.
          For Details of posts, qualification, instructions and application format relating to Advt. No. 11/2012, please visit UPSC web site at

          ESIC Model Hospital Chennai Para-Medical Staff posts

          Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the posts of Paramedical for Tamil Nadu State. The detail of posts & number of vacancies are as under 

          1. Dental Technician : 03 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400
          2. Social Worker : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400 
          3. Laboratory Assistant : 11 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2000 
          4. Medical Record Technician (Junior) : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.1900
          5. Dresser : 04 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 1800
          6. Nursing Orderly : 49 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.1800
          How to Apply : Apply Online at ESIC Chennai website from14/11/2012  to 04/12/2012 only. Take print out of the system system generated online application  and send it on or before 11/12/2012 (Last date is 15/12/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas) only in an envelope super scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ___________, POST CODE NO ______________, STATE TAMILNADU “ :

          The Medical Superintendent, ESIC Model Hospital, Ashok Pillar Road, K.K.Nagar, Chennai-78.

          Please view  

          AMTRON e-District Manager posts

          Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited (AMTRON) invites applications from suitable candidates for following positions :

          •  e-District Manager : 27 posts, one each in 27 district under District e-Governance Society for a mission mode project on purely contractual basis for 1 year. The contract may be renewed.
           How to Apply : Apply Online at AMTRON website from21/11/2012 to 09/12/2012 only. 

          Please visit for details and online submission of application from 21/11/2012 onwards.

          Supreme Court Junior Court Assistant posts

          Applications in prescribed form are invited from Indian citizens, between 18 – 27 years of age as on 1/12/2012 and holding degree of a recognized university, for the post of JUNIOR COURT ASSISTANT in the pay band of Rs. 5200-20200/- Grade Pay Rs.2800 in Supreme Court of India.
           The eligible candidates shall have to appear in a Written, Typing and Computer tests followed by an interview.
          Qualification : Bachelor's degree of a recognised University with a minimum speed of 35 w.p.m. in English Typewriting on computer.
          Reservation in direct recruitment for the candidates belonging to SC, ST, PH and Ex-Servicemen shall be in accordance with the Rules, Orders and Notifications issued from time to time by the Govemment of India. 
          Application Kit : Application Kit can be obtained on any working Monday to Friday between from 26/11/2012 to 21/12/2012, against Demand Draft/Pay Order for Rs. 300/- (Rs. 150/- in case of SC/ ST/ Physicaily Challenged / Ex-Servicemen and dependents of Freedon Fighters) in favour of Registrar, Supreme Court of India payable at New Delhi, from the Reception Counter of Supreme Court or by sending at his/her own risk a self addressed envelope with postage stamp of Rs. 70/- affixed thereon alongwith Demand Draft of the requisite amount, in favour of Registrar, Supreme Court of India Payable at New Deihi.
          Submission : Interested and eligible candidates should submit the Application in the prescribed form duly filled in at the Reception Courter of the Supreme Court on any working Monday to Friday till 21/12/2012. Application can also be sent by Registered AD post addressed to Registrar, Supreme Court of India, Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110001 so as to reach latest by 5.00 P.M. on 21/12/2012.
          For more information, kindly view

          Assistant posts in Special Drive by MP PSC

          Recruitment for the backlog posts of Assistants in a Special Recruitment Drive for Schedule Tribes (ST)  

          Applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian Nationals for following posts :

          • Assistant Gr.III : 06 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.1900/-, Age : 18-45 years as on 01/01/2013.
          Application Fee : Application Fee Rs.60/- (Rs. 30/- for SC/ST/OBC/PH of MP)  + Rs. 35/- as portal fee will be only be accepted by Credit Card, Internet Banking or by cash at authorised kiosks of MPPSC at various place. No payment will be done through Bank DD or Postal Order.

          How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should reach on or before 13/12/2012.   

          Please see document  for detailed information and application format.

          KVS Commisisoner posts

          Applications in the prescribed format are invited for following Non-Teaching posts  posts for the year 2012-13 : 
          1. Deputy Commissioner : 03 posts, Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.7600
          2. Assistant Commissioner : 16 posts, Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.7600
            Application Fee : Rs. 1200/-  to be deposited in the Indian Bank account number 935020934, Mehrauli Institutional Area, New Delhi by a challan/ electronic transfer. No fee for SC/ ST/ Ex-SM/ PH candidates.

            How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 10/12/2012  to Joint Commissioner (Administration),  Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS),18 – Institutional Area, Shahid Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi – 110016.

            Please visit