Thursday, 1 November 2012

Delhi University - POST OF MULTI TASKING STAFF - 2012

Applications are invited for the contractual post of Multi Tasking Staff (Security
Guard, Mess Helper & Safai Karamchari) in the International Students’ House,
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 on contract basis for a period of six months
which may be renewed for a further period of six months on consolidated
salary. A test for these posts will be conducted in the following manner:

i. Objective Type Test for language and general awareness.
ii. Skill Test.

Eligibility Criteria:
i. Qualification:-Class X pass
ii. Experience: - 1-2 yrs experience in appropriate field.
iii. Age Limit:- Maximum age of 45 ( as on 1st December, 2012)

Interested person fulfilling the above criteria may apply by submitting their
application on a plain paper addressed to the Provost, International Students’
House, University of Delhi along with the copies of relevant certificate/proof of
residence and experience and one passport size photograph. The applications
must be submitted latest by 30th November, 2012.

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